How to Avoid Being Phished in these Testing Times
Four times a year we send you a little test. It’s to see if you’re able to spot a phishing email. These test emails contain a link to a realistic looking, but fake, site which then asks you to enter your log-in credentials.

In the most recent test, 14% of us clicked on the link in the phishing email. That’s a lot of people! And a lot of potential for having our credentials stolen or malware downloaded to our computers.
It’s important to be aware and be suspicious of emails because the number of phishing campaigns out there is on the increase, specifically crafted around the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re taking advantage of our fears, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) around this global issue.
We need to be alert to this growing and targeted threat and follow some simple rules:
- Don’t click on any links in the email or text message, until you validate its authenticity
- Check the authenticity independently of the email or text message, such as using a Google search to find a link to the website
- Avoid giving any information such as contact details, or personal information or passwords
- If you have any questions, or notice anything fishy or phishy, contact your local IT team.