Issue 9 | 16 NOV 2021

Big Tech - Global Warming Hero or Villain?

Now that we have mostly survived the pandemic and are desperately trying to put it in the rearview mirror, the world has turned to asking the next logical question about another impending disaster – global warming.  Will technology save us? Or was the technology revolution the cause of this planet-wide crisis?

COP26 (2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference) just finished and we are no closer to solving global warming than we were prior to the start of the conference. Greta Thunberg declared it a failure, because no drastic action is being taken to save our planet.

Do you know how your tech is affecting global warming? Is there hope?

Big Tech’s Carbon Problem

In this article, you can learn how Big Tech (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon) contribute to the global warming problem and why. They may be trying to be efficient in the way they run their datacenters, but it remains to be seen if they can really make strides to make it a greener industry.

Big Tech Is Greenwashing

This article lays out what Big Tech is saying about sustainability at COP26, but are they just greenwashing their global warming practices? Or are they truly committed to reducing their carbon emissions, using renewable energy, and helping out the planet?

How Technology Can Help Companies Go Green

But tech isn’t just the villain in the global warming problem (fast fashion is probably worse, along with airplane travel). Tech can actually help companies reduce their own carbon emissions by using technology to create a digital twin of their operations, data analytics to do better predictions and reduce waste, and artificial intelligence can help find the best logistics for transportation.

Climate Tech – The Next Start Up Craze

Of course, global warming concerns are fueling the drive to create technology that will transform the services of the future. So, here we have a good summary of the money going into climate tech startups from venture capital firms. If we’re going to reduce our carbon emissions and save this planet, we need new tech to help us find alternatives to fuel, mining solution, and manufacturing innovation. 

Can Crypto Be Green? Here Are Some Options

Did you know that the problem with the crypto and NFT craze is that using digital tokens (for currency or for digital art) consumes a lot of fossil fuels? Earlier this year, Elon Musk made a big splash by accepting Bitcoin for his Tesla cars, but then retracted the option because of the environmental impact using and mining Bitcoin takes on the planet. This article gives you some alternative options if you want to consider the planet in your investment strategy.